Commissioned by game concept author, Nicholas Koteskey, I created a retro-style 8-bit mini-game to be featured as an easter egg within his decentralized network music app. The game, inspired by classic titles like Mega Man, Super Mario Brothers 2, and Cave Story, was designed to engage users with a fun, hidden experience triggered by a specific sequence of events within the app.
I contributed to the conceptualization of several unique enemy characters, including the blueberry flyers, pineapple bombs, and the final boss, the seed-spitting evil watermelon. Additionally, I designed all the storycards, sprites, spritesheets, animations, tilesets, and other game assets in pixel art style. I also composed the music and synthesized sound effects to enhance the game’s immersive retro experience.
Using the Phaser JavaScript engine, I programmed the game to integrate seamlessly into [client]’s app, ensuring smooth functionality within their decentralized framework. Currently, we’re working on developing additional levels and characters for an anticipated 2025 release.
ClientNicholas Koteskey
RolesCharacter Development, Level Design, Storycard Design, Sprite Design, Tileset Design, Game Programming, Sound Design, Music Composition